
Scrooby!!! Scrooby!!! Doo!!!

I didn't see the Mystery Machine.

Mind you.

I was in Catford.



Prophecy of Doom!!!

"God Willing the meetings announced below will take place in this hall"

What do they know that we don't?

Do they mean?

That event that is prophesied in the Bible!!!

When the horseman come!!!

And Angels come to pass judgement!!!

Or have they just got dry rot in the ceiling joists.


Everything's £9.90!!!

Everything's £9.90!!!

As long as it's hair

I love a bargain me.

I remember the great hair shortage of '93

It was a very choppy time.

We were all on a razor's edge.

It could all have gone off with a bang at any moment.

I'll shut up then shall I?

That's what I don't like about you lot.

You never get the layers.


Adult Cereal

Porn Breakfasts!!!

Cheerios with marshmallow penises?

Anal Porridge?

Muesli Masturbation?

The mind boggles.


Table Dancing Secrets

Table Dancing Secrets

Don't fall off.

It hurts.


Abstract Nouns!!!

'Hello!!! Is that the City of Westminster Parking Department'

'Why! Yes it is!'

'How can I help?'

'I would like to report'

'An unclear suspension'

'Being an abstract noun and everything'

'Nor can you use a suspension'

'Being an abstract noun and everything'

'Why! Thank you Miss!'

'For pointing this out to me'

'I will report this aberration immediately to my superiors'

'You will probably receive a medal for this'

'Or at the very least '

'A discount voucher for the Council car park'

'Unfortunately you will not be able to use it'


'Quite Frankly'

'Your a Cunt!!!'

'We don't allow Cunts!!! in the car park'

'Except for the Mayor that is.'


Exotic Foods

I don't like exotic foods


Smacked Cucumber in Garlic Sauce

I prefer it Spanked.

Snarff!!! Snarff!!!


Heavenly Dish

Heavenly Dish

Food With Love...

As long as it's not white, sticky love.


History Passing

62 Years,

62 years of history


Gone just like that.

Apparently Status Quo

Bought stuff from here

And Queen

Decided on their name

While in the shop.

Brian May

Remembers coming here as a child.

And allegedly

Phil Collins

Bought his first drum kit here.

A shame.

Pity I couldn't stand any of them.


Jazz Dentist

Go on show us your moves.

Show us your jazz hands!!!

Just not when your doing a root canal.



#Scary Things!!!

Look closer

The horror is just beneath the surface.


Run for the hills!!!

There is no escape!!!