
On the Trivialisation of a Miracle

I hate it when people trivialise what is essentially a miracle

Especially something as sacred as the birth of a child

It's all so cynical

The act of carrying a piece of chalk with you

To imply this was a spontaneous act

And not just some pre-meditated pretension

The artful reversal of some letters

To denote, youth and hipness

This laboriously, painfully wrought epigram

That by being taken out of context,

The author

Hopes implies their intellectual capability

And their hidden depths.

Sadly the puddle of their mind

imbues this contextless phrase

With the insipid aura of cod philosophy

And street

Very, very street.

Razor sharp street.

As street as...

Standing outside KFC

On a sunny day

On a Saturday afternoon

Forty minutes before you have to get back

To your Mum and Dad

In Feltham

And your wearing a scarf.

It's all so cynical.

Well let me tell you

That if it was that easy being born



"Mummy! Mummy!"

"Yes Dear?"

"Can I do it again"

"Yes dear, just climb back in"

In fact

You could sell tickets

Treat your vagina

Like some moist, organic Disney World

Pay some Harley Street Quack

To elasticate the umbilical cord

So the little foetus bastards

Can bounce up and down

Like some spastic, bloody St. Vitus's dance.

Over and over again.

Up and down

Up and down.

In fact Simon Cowell

Could capitalise on the craze.

He could artificially inseminate

One of the many bland, fading pop acts

That are on his roster.

So they could all give birth


On stage

With their elasticated umbilical cords.

A whole troupe of...

Little bloody, bouncing, bungee babies

Up and down.

Up and down.

To the syncopated rhythm.

While their vapid mothers

Vomit out their autotuned pap

Girls Aloud?


Too Old.

They must be at least ninety

The Saturdays?


One of them has already popped one out.

So you would have to wait a bit

Before slipping a fertility pill in their Horlicks.

Little Mix?

Yes, definitely

You could dress the foetus's up

Like their mates in One Direction

That would get the One Directioners going.

It's all so cynical.

I hate babies

They stick on your shoe when you step on them.