
Bin of the Month - September 2012

June, the first of our bins of the month, has expressionistic overtones, reminiscent of Tretchikoff's Chinese Girl. Revel, bin connoisseur in the way the red of the hair juxtaposes those luscious lips. The pallor of the skin and the way the eyes stare blankly. Blankly but knowingly, as if the flame-haired women has seen it all before. This bin evokes longing. What has this bin seen? And why Lewisham? Why not Southwark or Lambeth? What is significant about Lewisham? What is going through your mind as you rest your head thoughtfully on your hands? Is it me you want, or is it something else? The way the eye's bore through you, as if they can see into the core of my being. Is she judging me? Does she find me wanting?

What do you want?

What do you want Bitch!!!