
Stratified Living

Is this a byproduct of our modern times? A time when our lives become so specialised each stage needs to be identified and given a name. Each one with its own mores and customs.

How are they categorised? The eating, puking and shitting stage, the just about sentient bit, the all too short but sweet bit, the interminable it's nearly over section and finally the senior living? Or is it more stratified than that?

What rites of passage do we need to follow to progress seamlessly through each layer? Each strata a minefield of complex etiquette, that needs to be learned, codified, and put into practise.

Or is it more sinister than that, is the Sunrise Senior Living Next Left an old man in a perspex box, available for our scrutiny and ridicule? We are allowed to observe him as he lives from moment to moment, each banal second ticking away.

 It could just be a Home for the Elderly you know.