
Big Fat Panda

Not just Fat Panda, but Big Fat Panda. I am not sure I approve of this negative stereotyping of pandas. Pandas have a hard enough time of it already without being singled out for ridicule. What do we want? Panda's with poor self-esteem? They have enough body image issues what with a luck of fecundity in the breeding department and a physiology so poorly designed for eating bamboo that it needs to eat for ten to fifteen hours a day to be able to sleep for the rest.

I think Beefy would be an improvement, The Big, Beefy Panda.  

Unless of course that it is what they serve, big fat pandas. Maybe that lady is queuing for a large helping of sweet and sour, big fat panda and rice.

I wonder if there is a sister restaurant called the Little Petite Panda.