

Beyond this is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.


I See Robots

Do you see a little one eyed robot?

I see a little one eyed robot.


Hiding fast.

Hiding from the Cyclops Tree.

But he found him!!! The Cyclops Tree found him!!!

And smashed his home to bits.

Poor little one eyed vehicular traffic direction robot.

Luckily he hasn't found the others.

They are safe...

...for now


Danger Compressed Gas

It's a good learning experience for them.


Revenge of the Cyclops Tree

The Cyclops tree did this.

It was his revenge.

You can tell.

111 is the number of the tree!!!



The Nativity is a lie

Historical Inaccuracies are rampant!!!!

The Brecknock Hill Cheviot sheep strain were not bred until the latter part of the nineteenth century, so it would be highly unlikely they would have been in the Holy Land two thousand years ago.

Don't you hate it when people don't research things properly.

This is a secular nation...

...and sheep lovin'



I see two faces, one of them does not come from an aerosol.

Look at the top, do you see its big one eye.

He is not smiling, he is not happy.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

Cyclops tree man has been defiled, someone has sprayed a happy face on him.

He will cause mayhem and mischief until he is avenged.



I bought the sky.

A fantastic bargain, with free local delivery.

It would have been so much more expensive tomorrow.

I wonder what he charges for indoors.




This is what brings me back to this place, time and time again.

It's Open Planny Kitchenness.

The food is terrible though.


Totem of Hate

Just add Simon Cowell and it would be truely terrifying.




There is something about Austria and world domination that is getting a touch repetitive.

The other 1% just like the uniform.


Get the Million Look

Won't even touch Colombian hair!

God forbid, if you are Argentinian!

Lady Million will give you a bouffant crew cut with a kiss curl.


S&M Recycling

What depraved depths have these people plumbed?

Gimp Recycling


Polite perverts though.

Or maybe that is all part of their sick game?


Covering All Bases

What about tainted vegetarians?

You know the ones, the ones that stood by some bacon once.

What about Vegans? 

Especially the ones that only eat polyester.


Subliminal Messages

If I wasn't paranoid already, I am now.




I hope everything works out for the best.

I hope she also learns about lower case as well.

It's so labour saving.


Behind the scenes

The fabric of reality, it's all a veneer you know.

Underneath it all it's plyboard and chewing gum.

I bet it's lost it's flavour as well.

But my tongue couldn't quite reach to find out.


We Sell Boxes

Aim low and you won't be disappointed.



The Time of Your Life

Thursdays look really hot.

Isn't a line of people a sequence? What's the difference?

Cowboy hats?

Hope you can keep up hoody boy.


Police State

What about Michael Bublé and Ghost Poet?
What about Grime artistes?
And people of a Dubstep persuasion?
What about them? Can't they turn right as well?
What about Susan Boyle?
Do we also persecute her?

Fascist Bastards!

Give the gift of  Michael Bublé this holiday season.


The Stately Homes of Thornton Heath

One day, I too wish to be a person of quality able to grace such a stately pile.

Oh! To be one of the select few to enter into the inner sanctum of Scratchley Hall. To hob nob with the elite and kow tow with the grandees of Thornton Heath.

I bet they only use the finest of pork luncheon meat in their sandwiches, dainty slivers of processed meat tucked between the lightest, fluffiest Mother's Pride. Moistened with the merest hint of margarine, and not just any margarine mind, it has to be the best...


I bet they also cut the crusts off their sandwiches.

I wonder what they do with the crusts? I hope they don't feed them to the peasants. You know what peasants are like.

Look what happened to Marie Antoinette, She lost her head poor child. 

Mind you she did use to shop at Asda.

Served her right, the slag.


Wise words

Wise words indeed Mr Oyato. Experience will indeed make a diference.

 Even before 1984.


Looking on the Bright Side of Life

Sometimes things get you down. Sometimes you think things could go better and life has taken a dislike to you, everything is bleak and as tunnels go there is no light to be seen, and then...

 ...And then you take a reality check and realise on a planet with 7 billion people you are one of the lucky few and so many people are in a much worse position than you. Things could be so much worse...


...you could work for Sainsburys for instance.


Poetry Criticism

I think the central precept of the poem is focussed on man's struggle against the elements. How by continually striving to improve one's lot in life through dedicated study of the classics, and by making wise moral choices, you will be able to escape the fiery grip of the Christian Hell.

The way he pairs learn with burn, evokes a strident narrative redolent of a Mallory's Le Morte d'Arthur.

I for one will endeavour to learn and not be consumed by the fires of ignorance.

I hope this isn't a flash in the pan.

I'm a big fan.



It's your dog, so take it like a man.

or women.


Food Education

I didn't know the heady world of academia would be so high in saturated fats.


Usual Suspects

The one with the eye patch will rip your throat out as soon as look at you.


Carpet Madness

Turn your back and it will cut you up with some pinking shears.


Dreams Construction

Somehow I thought the creation of dreams would be so much more mystical than a man in a van.

Make me a nice one, please.


Poo Fairies

I have this empty space inside me as if some long cherished belief has been ripped from me. Like when my Mother told me the Tooth Fairy didn't exist.

Mind you I am not scared to open my mouth anymore.

She told me the little bastards would steal them whenever my mouth was open.

My first words were Mmmmfffff!!!

I am bereft.


Psycho Ponies

Kills Who?

US or them?

Two Legs Good, Four Legs Bad. Especially colic, crazed, gun totin' ponies that will blow your motherfuckin' ass off for an apple.

Bite back!

Don't let the My Little Pony act fool you. They hate you!!!! They all hate you!!!

Biped Motherfucker


Police State

Jacking cars and setting them alight is though.

Fascist, police state.


Middle class fascist, police state.


A Second Chance

What else was he meant to do? He did the interview circuit for a couple of years, and the autobiography didn't do too bad, but eventually it all dried up. It soon got even his agent wouldn't return his calls.

Needs must.

Buy him a drink and he'll tell you a story.

The one about "When Michael left".

"He called me an incontinent monkey!!!"