
Global Immigration Management!!!

Global Immigration,

The movement on a daily basis...

Of tens of thousands of people worldwide,

From one country to another.

For a million different reasons,

Escape from persecution,

financial gain,

a better life for their loved ones,

nicer wallpaper.


Always a contentious issue.

To those parochial in outlook,

A threat...

That needs exterminated.

Global Immigration,

almost impossible to manage,

To control...


Who is out there?

Which courageous,




Who has the determination and the steely resolve?

Who can selflessly thrust themselves into this molten mass of raw humanity.

To shape and mould a cohesive, workable solution to this age old problem?

That keeps all factions happy.

Global Immigration Management can!!! 

That's who!!!

All this from his upstairs bedroom!!!

And he still has time to run a sales and letting agency.

I wonder if he can lend me a fiver until next Tuesday?