
Your High Street is a Creative Place

We're creating public art with schools and community groups.

Oh Great!!! 

A mural where the whole community have been involved.

How public spirited.

We need more inititiaves like this.

Get's people away from their tellys.

Get out the house and meet your neighbours.

Do something good for the community.

Don't sit on the fence, get involved.

Everyone can join in.

Even little Timmy.

Poor little Timmy!!!

Lost his legs in the accident, you know.

...and half his brain.

Even little Timmy managed to paint a little bit of the mural.

Mind you no one knows what he painted.

The bit of brain that is missing controlled his motor functions.

...and his bowels.

Makes you feel warm inside, doesn't it?

Mind you, wait until you see how much of your Council Tax they spent.

Waste of Taxpayer's money I call it!!!

Little Timmy can go fuck himself for all I care.

Especially after he wee'd in the paint.