Feeling any better?
I don't know what it was
But I had a feeling
Some sense
That I shouldn't go in.
It was as if something
Beyond our mortal ken
Was trying to communicate with me
I think you'll find I am a man of exquisite tastes
And I must tell you
Luxury is high on my list of life's necessities
Especially in matters of the toillette
No expense spared.
Poor, Poor, Mattress
I would need a security blanket, too
After being abandoned.
Like you.
Remember a mattress is not just to be discarded on a whim
It's a friend for life!!!
Which according to manufacturer's recommendations is 6 to 8 years
There are many different styles of Garden Ornamentation
There, Modern
And slightly scary.
Selfish Bastard!!!
What if I wanted to stand there?
Fuck, the little children
They can stick their 99 up their arse
Especially the fat ones.
Just let me get some mouthwash
After all
We might be drowning them
But there is no need to be inhumane about it.