



Many possible uses

A lair for a serial killer...

...An alcoholic quack struck off for a botched operation who patches up the mob, when they get shot...

...A back street abortionist. For that retro back street abortion experience...

...it's all the rage with the glitterati...

...mind you, you have to supply the gin and knitting needles.





I wonder what the odds are for the world ending on December 21st.

I could make a killing.


Spelt Backwards

Halal spelt backwards is...

La Lah!

I'm not listening.



I wonder when they open, embark, commence today, nowadays.

  • Food & Wine
  • Beer & Spirits
  • Money & Cash
  • Yin & Yang
  • Cannon & Ball
 We wish to harmonise you.

At a price.

Everything comes at a price.

We want your soul.

Little & Large already sold theirs.

Even as a job lot they weren't worth much.

God!!! They were shit.


Sainsbury's Porn


I'll have one.

It's not for me it's for a friend.


Filling a Niche

Experts in shipping domestic appliances.

Hoovers to Honduras

Toasters to Trinidad

Fridges to Fiji

Cookers to Caymans

I'll stop now shall I?

Microwaves to Mauritius.


That'll Learn Them

It got what was coming to it.

It's behind bars where it belongs.

I hope they throw away the key.

For ever!!!

Murdering scum

I'm talking about the landlord not the sign.

The sign is just the fall guy.

At least I think it's a he.

You can't really tell with signs.


You are here

Good to know.

I like to know where I am.

Cosmologically speaking.


Unique Selling Point

I only ever go to a gym if it is below street level.

It's where the ugly people go to keep fit.


Octopus in Oven

This is not a traditional Portuguese dish.

This is a statement of fact.
The Octopus is in the Oven.
And he likes it there.
He is not coming out.
He told me so. 

At least I think it's a he.

It's hard to tell with Octopuses.
O polvo está no forno
Meu gônadas são muito pesados

Look it up


City Life

Stuck up Posh City Birds.

They won't just eat any bread you know.

It has to be Panini bread.

Or at least a granary roll made with organic spelt flour.


The Shape of Things to Come...

...pickle with the cheese built in.

 What labour saving device will they think of next.

 Butter with built in bread©

Hands off!!! I thought of it first.



It's a workout routine for Orthodontists.

Suck it to me Baby!!!


Implement + Enforce

Only genuine race relations mind. None of that foreign imported rubbish.

ACT NOW!!! 1976?

Bloody Foreigners!!!


Unique Selling Point

It gets very annoying after a while.

All that bowing and scraping.

Stand up and be a man for once!!!


Belated Happy New Year

I want an Easter Egg now!!!

Taken 2nd January 2012


Everyone's Good at Something

Unfortunately though, sometimes what you are good at is crap.



Collection Only

Why do they only deliver 7 inch pizzas?

Why can't they deliver 12 inch pizzas?

Or any other size for that matter?

Maybe their delivery chap has small hands...

Or a small scooter.

You know what they say about people with small scooters.

They say...

...that man has a small scooter.

Mind you it's the hygenic environment that keeps them coming back time and time again.

Or maybe not.

Considering its shut down.

Doesn't James Pendleton look good, though.

...for a man


Greetings from Greenham Common

I didn't know the letter 'A' had gender issues.


Capitan Corelli

If you ask him nicely, he will play his mandolin.

He's not real you know!

Just a fictional character making a living.

Selling Cappuccino, Pizza and Pasta.

He even does takeaways.

I prefer a latte myself.


Tonsorial Elegance

They also sell Skinny Rib Tank Tops.

If I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me?

Please don't hit me.

Not too hard anyway.

Unless of course you could dress up as Pan's People?

All of them!!!

In Hot Pants!!!

Line up girls!!! Don't be so impatient!!!

Oooh! I wish I could afford a curly perm.

In Catford on a Saturday in 2012.